Alberto Morelli

Composer, pianist and polinstrumentalist, he attended academic lessons with Azio Corghi and Angelo Paccagnini. At same time, as an autodidact, he studied the forms of composition and the instrumental techniques  related to the
folk music of the Mediterranean area, of some portions  of central Africa and the Far East. He graduated in Philosophy and then obtained a Postgraduate Diploma in Music Therapy, working as music therapist and also as teacher and  trainer in public and private schools, hospitals and structures.

Together with Franco Parravicini he gave birth to the multiethnic project Dissoi Logoi in 1988. With Dissoi Logoi played different  musicians like cui Paolo Fresu, Faisal Taher, Steve James, Eric Wood,  Mario Arcari, Amelia Cuni, Mouna Amari, Federico Sanesi and others, Is founder member of Tangatamanu project (sperimental), EAR&NOW project (sperimental) and Trio Coltri Menduto Morelli project (Folk progressive). He has been co-operating with Studio Azzurro as a composer since 1990. Afterwards, in the framework of the Tangatamanu project set up with  Stefano Scarani, he focused once again on music creation as well as on  an interactivity-oriented research effort, combining the musician  activity with the pluriennal experience accumulated working in the  post-production phase of the television programmes.

He worked, inter alia, with Fabrizio De Andrè, Moni Ovadia, Piero Milesi, A Short Apnea, Tommaso Leddi, Dmo Suzuky (Can).
He has  contributed to the implementation of the video programmes for the  "OUTIS" setting of Luciano Berio.
From 2006 he teaches Sound Design in Design University-Politecnico di  Milano.